Video Description (from Youtube)
http://JooTube.TV Aryeh Mavazy of "Jewish Queers Int'l" remarks on the banning of Jewish Star flags at the Dyke Marches in D.C. and Chicago. Recorded at L.A. Gay Pride Parade 6/9/19.
Gay Israeli man, Hen Massig writes: "Delegitimizing the state’s entire existence due to its embodiment of Jewish self-determination makes no sense. I too am very critical of my country’s government, as are many of my compatriots in this vibrant democracy. However, despite its imperfections, Israel is still the most free country in the Mideast. The idea that we should boycott an entire country’s people due to the objectionable policies of their government is unacceptable, misguided and harmful to both myself and LGBTQ+ Israelis, a community in need of and deserving of support.
I implore progressives and LGBTQ+ activists who have joined this campaign to think twice. It’s a vile effort designed by a coalition of anti-Zionist organizations to manipulate others into fighting their own political war against Israel. Ultimately, their agenda runs counter to everything LGBTQ+ activism stands for — ostracizing an LGBTQ+ community that has made progress in its pursuit of its own equality, defending a society that truly oppresses LGBTQ+ individuals and hijacking people’s good-faith efforts to expand the rights of the LGBTQ+ community worldwide. This is the true definition of pinkwashing."
Shared on: 11 Jun 2019
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