JEDP Theory / 'Graf-Wellhausen' | ||||
TRADITION | 'J'Yahwist |
'E'Elohist |
'D'Deuteronomist |
'P'Priestly |
Exodus (50%) Genesis (50%) Numbers (minor) |
Exodus (50%) Genesis (33%) Numbers (minor) |
Deuteronomy (most) | Leviticus (most) Genesis (20%) Exodus (minor) Numbers (minor) |
DATE'when' |
950-920 BCE United Monarcy A Judean Source written during the United Monarcy period (1030-920 BCE). Written in the South, just before the South split from the North in 922 BC. Interest in territory of the Kingdom of Judah, and individuals connected with its history. |
870-840 BCE North-South Divide Written in the North at the time when the North broke away from South (870-840 BCE). |
650-620 BCE Josiah's Reform Writing reflects literary style/ theology prevalent at the time of Josiah's reform (621 BCE). |
550-520 BCE Babylonian Exile After the fall of Jerusalem (587 BCE), Israelite priests were exiled in Babylon. |
LOCATION'where' |
Southern Kingdom of Judah Capital: Jerusalem Text contains Southern geographical references and propoganda i.e. David's line |
Northern Kingdom of Israel Capital: Samaria (Shomron) Northern tribes and Ephraim, so its suppoused it was. Prophet over King (Northern concern then) |
Jerusalem During a period of religious reform. May have originated in the Northern Kingdom |
Kohanim Jewish priests were exiled in Babylon. Writing at a time of great loneliness and despair; God far away. |
God | ||||
NAME | Yahweh 'YHWH' |
Elohim Elohim used until Exodus 3-6; a human-like God Yahweh used after Exodus 3 (burning bush incident) when Elohim reveals himself as Yahweh |
Yahweh | Elohim El Shaddai Other El combinations |
PERSONALITY | Anthropomorphic Yahweh walks and talks. He makes personal visits. |
Less Anthropomorphic Elohim speaks through dreams, prophets and angels; not personal appearances. |
Non-Anthropomorphic Elohim is remote, distant, and unmerciful. He appears on a quest for glory. |
Authors | ||||
AUTHORS 'who' |
Ephraimitic Tribe Someone from Tribe of Ephraim or a North Israelite source |
Josiah's Reform Reflects style and religious attitudes of Josiah's reform (c.621) |
Priesthood A literary corpus, marked by the style and cultic interests of the priestly circle of Jerusalem Israelite priests retrieved, revised and 'redacted' Torah text |
Content | ||||
KEY POINTS | Southern Propoganda Ancient stories i.e. Creation of mankind, flood, Babel etc. Yahweh close to His people |
Northern Focus Elohim is distant and away from His people. Kingdom of Israel and on Shiloh priesthood. |
Yahweh's favours God's love dominates Israel's history and law. |
Obedience to Covenant Priestly concerns, legal and cultic aspects Lists of genealogies, dates, numbers and laws. |
MOUNT SINAI | Place of Mosaic covenant. Emphasis on term 'Sinai' | Horeb is mountain where covenant takes place | Idea of a central sanctuary Horeb |
Holy mountain Sinai |
COVENANT | Mosaic Abrahamic promise of land, descendants and blessing |
Exodus 24 ceremony Establishment of the tent of meeting Israel's rebellion at Sinai with worship of the golden calf |
Sabbath and circumcision | |
ISRAEL | Israel's faith in Yahweh and their leaders | Explicitly religious: to be "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" | Elohim grants his presence to the people "who know his name." Israel's role in salvation |
PEOPLE | Moses father-in-law is Reuel | Begins story with Abraham | Some connections to E; Horeb, prophecy. | Normally starts with "These are the generations" |
Text | ||||
Fragmentary texts Often combined with J, to create J+E |
referenced in 2 Kings 22:8. The "book of the law" found by King Josiah in the Temple in Jerusalem (621 BC) Some scholars believe 'D' is an independent text |
Some scholars believe P is a redactor (revision of pre-existing texts) Others believe 'P' shows signs of a seperate, independent text |
10372 views · 3 hrs ago | Author: Guest • Updated: 11 Jun 2019 |
Moses' Torah Authorship claim explored in JEDP Theory, Graf-Wellhausen & Documentary Hypothesis - Dan Clanton