1. Jesus the Prophet |
And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A Prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. |
2. Prophet to his Disciples |
And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people: |
3. Prophet to the People |
And the multitude said, This is Jesus the Prophet of Nazareth of Galilee. |
4. His name, Yeshua |
Jesus is a real, historical person, born in the Land of Israel, during the Roman occupation, in approximately the year 3 BC. At the time, his name was pronounced "Yeshua". |
5. A Jewish Prophet |
Jesus was born Jewish. This is the least contested truths of the Bible. |
6. Tribe of Judah |
Jesus (Jesus) is from the Tribe of Judah (Heb. 7:14). His earthly father was descended from David (Matt. 1:6-16) and His mother was as well |
7. Hebrew Scripture |
When faced with temptation, Yeshua answered from Hebrew Scripture. When teaching, He taught from Hebrew Scripture . When admonishing, He quoted from Hebrew Scripture. |
8. Jewish Temple |
In the sermon on the mount He affirmed the authority of the Torah and the Prophets even in the Kingdom of Heaven. He regularly attended synagogue and His teaching was respected by the congregants. He taught in the Jewish Temple. If Jesus were not a Jew, he would never have been allowed into any part of the Jewish Temple. |
9. Loved the Temple |
Yeshua's parents made the 140 mile round trip to Jerusalem every Passover. It was at the age of 12 that Yeshua stayed behind an extra three days to learn from the Temple teachers. Although He already understood the Torah well, His attitude of listening and questioning indicates love of the Hebrew scripture and respect for the teachers. He also respected the Temple itself, calling it His Father's. Near the end of His life, He praised a widow for giving all she had to the Temple. |
10. Jewish Festivals |
He observed Passover and went up to Jerusalem. He observed Succot and went up to Jerusalem. He also observed Hanukah and probably Rosh haShanah, going to Jerusalem on both those occasions as well, even though it's not a Torah command. |
11. Known to be Jew |
A Samaritan woman easily recognized He was a Jew |
12. Dressed as a Jew |
Yeshua not only taught others how to live a Jewish life, He lived it Himself. The outward signs of this were such things as wearing tzitzit (tassles) on His clothing (Strong's 2899) to serve as a reminder of the commandments. |
13. I am Jew |
Yeshua self-identified as a Jew and as King of the Jews From His birth to His last Passover. Jesus lived as a Jew. |
14. Disciples spoke Jewish |
Yeshua's disciples spoke Hebrew |
15. Disciples were Jewish |
In adult life, His disciples were Jews |
16. Rabbi to Disciples |
They called Him 'Rabbi' . Mary called Him 'Rabboni' . They sought Him because they believed the Torah and the Prophets. |
17. Parents were practising Jews |
Yeshua's parents made the 140 mile (225 m.) round trip to Jerusalem every Passover in observance of |
18. Born a Jew |
Jesus was born a Jew. Jesus lived as a Jew. |
19. King of Jews |
In addition, Jesus was born King of the Jews . The King of the Jews must Himself be Jewish. Jesus was born King of the Jews . The King of the Jews must Himself be Jewish. |
20. Circumcised |
Jesus was circumcised according to Jewish law and redeemed according to Jewish law. |
21. Tribe of Judah |
Nevertheless, according to the Bible, the Messiah must be descended from the tribe of Judah
as King David was
and descended from King David himself
. That is why the Messiah is called Son of David.
Jesus (Jesus) is from the Tribe of Judah . His earthly father was descended from David and His mother was as well . |
22. Family were Jewish |
His aunt Elizabeth was Jewish (a descendant of Aaron, Moses' brother) and His uncle Zacharia was a Jewish priest. His mother atoned according to Jewish law.
His mother atoned according to Jewish law . His aunt Elizabeth was Jewish (a descendant of Aaron, Moses' brother) and His uncle Zacharia was a Jewish priest . Both of Yeshua's parents were from Nazarethand they returned there with the Child when they had done everything according to the Law of the Lord that His birth required . His aunt and uncle were also Torah observant Jews so we can see that probably the whole family took their faith very seriously. |
23. Birthplace |
Although He was born in Bethlehem, Jesus was raised in Nazareth. Both were Jewish towns at the time, according to archeologists and historians. Bethlehem is just south of Jerusalem while Nazareth is north, in the Galilee section. |
24. Geneology |
The book of the genealogy of Messiah Jesus ("Jesus Christ"), the son of David, the son of Abraham |
25. Abraham was father of Jews |
Abraham was the first Hebrew. God changed his name from Abram
. In
the Bible he is called Abram the Hebrew. So we can see that Jesus (Jesus) is descended from "Abram the Hebrew." Even to this day, Jews are also called "Hebrews", and the language of the Jews is "Hebrew". Abraham and his descendants were given the unconditional covenant of the Promised Land and the covenant of circumcision. Abraham is the father of the Jews . Isaac was his son and Jacob was his grandson. Thus, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are known as the Patriarchs, the fathers of the Jews. |
26. Jacob had 12 sons |
Jacob's name was changed by God to "Israel" and he had twelve sons from whom come the Twelve Tribes of Israel. All of their descendants are known collectively throughout the Bible as the Children of Israel. |
27. Judah was a Jew |
One of those twelve sons was Judah and it is from his name that we get the word 'Jew'. Although Yehudah (Judah) was only one of the twelve, by 700 BCE, because of the course of Israel's history, the word Yehudee (Jew) came to mean any person descended from Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob . So, for instance, Saul haShaliach (the Apostle Paul) was of the tribe of Benjamin yet he self-identified as a Jew. |
10104 views · 5 hrs ago | Author: Guest • Updated: 10 Aug 2019 |
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