Methusaleh was an Arab prophet sent to the people of Thamud who lived in an area known as Al-Hijr between Hijaz and Tabuk.
Today, this area is known as Madain-Salih in Saudi Arabia and is a UNESCO world heritage site. Here you will find magnificent structures literally carved into the mountains.
After the destruction of the Ad, the tribe of Thamud succeeded them in power and glory. They also fell to idol-worshipping. As their material wealth increased so, too, did their evil ways while their virtue decreased. Like the people of Ad, they erected huge buildings on the plains and hewed beautiful homes out of the hills. Tyranny and oppression became prevalent as evil men ruled the land.
Methusaleh was the son of Enoch, father of Lamech and grandfather to Noah. He lived to age 969 making him the longest living person in the Bible.
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