1 One God | ||||||||
Jews believe that there is a single God who not only created the universe, but with whom every Jew can have an individual and personal relationship. CHRISTIANITY - DISAGREE
The predominant Christian belief is that God is part of a Trinity 3-in-1; and Jesus is God-incarnate.
2 Prophets | ||||||||
Well-known prophets include Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Isaac, Jacob, David, Jesus and Muhammad. JUDAISM -DISAGREE Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah as (according to them) he did not fulfill the messianic prophecies; and he did not embody the personal qualifications of the Messiah. CHRISTIANITY - DISAGREE Christians lack belief in the ongoing era of prophets. Christians believe Jesus represents the last covenenant between humanity and the Father. They reject the prophet Muhammad.
3 Scriptures | ||||||||
JUDAISM - DISAGREE Jews only believe in the written Torah (first 5 books of the Old Testament Bible) and Oral Torah (teachings now contained in the Talmud and other writings). They do not believe the New Testament or the Quran as scripture. CHRISTIANITY - DISAGREE Christians believe in the Bible (New Testament) and the Bible (Old Testament). They do not believe the Quran is scripture.
4 Angels | ||||||||
Among the angels is Gabriel, who was tasked with conveying the scripture to the prophets. JUDAISM - AGREE Jews believe in Angels as functionaries who carry out God's will CHRISTIANITY - AGREE Christians believe Angels were created by God and are spiritual beings who serve God
5 Judgement Day | ||||||||
JUDAISM - AGREE Jews believe in a Day of Judgement when the dead will be resurrected and divided into three groups: the wicked, the righteous and those who fall in between CHRISTIANITY - AGREE Christians believe the Day of Judgement is reserved for the judgment of Christians only. Born again believers in Jesus will give an account of their lives to Christ
6 Pre-Destination | ||||||||
JUDAISM - AGREE Jews profess the principle of Free Will. It teaches that eternal life and reprobation are dependent solely upon man's good or evil actions CHRISTIANITY - AGREE Christians believe the destiny of man is pre-determined by God
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41532 views · 8 mins ago | Author: Guest • Updated: 07 Apr 2020 |