1 | Stop Suffering |
JudaismBefore the Messiah comes, there will be war and suffering. He will bring the world back to God. Jesus was not the Jewish Messiah, as he did not eradicate war and suffering in the world.ChristianityChristians believe Jesus is the Messiah. He will return to Earth and all war and suffering will end, on his second coming.IslamMuslims believe Jesus will return near the end-times, and establishing justice in the world. |
2 | Military Leader |
JudaismTo stop war and suffering, the Messiah will be a great military leader, who will win wars and battles for Israel. He will provide military leadership and defeat those who oppose him.For Jews, Jesus provided no military leadership and so was not their Messiah. ChristianityChristian doctrine teaches that Jesus will wages war against the Anti-Christ in the end times.Christianity teaches Jesus was the 'Prince of peace', a non-violent pacifist who taught to 'turn the other cheek'. Is Jesus the Messiah a great military leader who will defeat his enemies in physical and bloody warfare? IslamJesus will return and fight the Anti-Christ (the 'Dajjal') in the end times. |
3 | Peace & Security |
JudaismAll nations will live peacefully together. There will be world peace, no oppression, suffering or disease. There will be no murder, robbery, competition or jealousy. There will be no sin.For Jews, Jesus was not the Jewish Messiah as he did not establish peace in the world. ChristianityJesus is the Messiah for Christians as he will establish peace in the world when he returnsIslamJesus will clear all the confusion prevailing in the world regarding his life and mission. In particular, Jesus will correct the false teachings of Christianity. He will break the cross; Kill the swine/pig; and Abolish the jizyah (tax). There will be peace and security after. Hadith Bukhari 34:169 Hadith Muslim 1:296 |
4 | Religious Courts |
JudaismHe will establish the 'Sanhedrin', the religious supreme court and legislature of the Jewish people, based on Jewish Law. This is a necessary for the re-building of the Third Temple.He will restore the religious court system of Israel, establish Jewish law as the law of the land and the law of the Jubilee will be reinstated. ChristianityChristians accept that Jesus was a Jew. It is unclear, if Christians will convert to Judaism and accept Jewish Law.How will a Jewish Jesus address the major theological differences between Jews and Christians? IslamThe Messiah will be a just judge. As a Muslim, Jesus the Messiah will preach a message of Monotheism which may favour orthodox Judaism.How will the Messiah reconcile Islamic Law over his earlier observed Jewish traditions? |
5 | Universal Knowledge |
JudaismThe whole world will recognize the Jewish God as the only true God; the Jewish religion, Judaism as the only true religion and the Holy Land of Israel.Jesus was not the Jewish Messiah as he did not spread knowledge of Judaism or Israel. ChristianityWill Christians accept Judaism and the Jewish God over Jesus who they consider their God?Will a Jewish Messiah accept the Christians? If Judaism becomes the only true religion, is Christianity a false religion? IslamThe Messiah will establish Islam (monotheism) as the true religion. He, Jesus will correct the false beliefs that are spread about him and Christianity, Trinity, crucifixion, bible etc. |
6 | Religious Leader |
JudaismTo establish the Jewish religion, its laws and courts, the Messiah will himself be a religious and spiritual leader.He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions. ChristianityHow will the Christian Trinity, and the Godhead of Jesus be effected if Judaism is established as truth?IslamMuslims believe that Jesus will correct the Christian doctrine that he is God, a diety or Son of God. |
7 | Land of Israel |
JudaismThe Jewish Messiah will establish a government in Israel. This will be the center of all world governments, both for Jews and gentilesChristianityVarious Christian groups today are supportive of the State of Israel and acknowledge Jewish Messanic principles.IslamIt is unclear if the Messiah will establish a government |
8 | Worship in Jersusalem |
JudaismThe Messiah will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people. He will bring the Jews back to Israel and restore Jerusalem as the center of worship.ChristianityDo Christians agree with Jerusalem becoming the center of worship?Will Christians emigrate to Jerusalem and accept Jesus as just a man, and not God? IslamFor Muslims, the center of worship is Mecca, Saudi Arabia.Will Jesus establish Mecca as the center of worship? |
9 | Third Jewish Temple |
JudaismThe Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism. The Messiah will oversee the re-building of Jerusalem, and the Third Temple in Temple Mount, Jerusalem, Israel.Jesus was not the Jewish Messiah as he did not build the Third Temple. ChristianityJesus is the Messiah for Christians as he will build the Third Temple when he returns. It is unclear if Christians will worship at the Temple.IslamThe Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site for Muslims and is located at the Temple Mount. The Third temple will either be built alongside the Al-Aqsa Mosque or over it.Will the Al-Aqsa Mosque be destroyed by the Jewish Messiah? |
10 | Return Jews to Israel |
JudaismThe Jewish Messiah will physically gather the Jews in the Land of Israel and rule over them in the end days.Jesus was not the Jewish Messiah as he did not gather all the Jews back in Israel. The Messiah will determine the various Jewish tribes and divide Israel into land inheritances. Each tribe (Levi, Kohen etc.) receiving a portion. ChristianityJesus is the Messiah for Christians as he will gather all the Jews back in Israel when he returns. He will inform them of his divinity.Will Christians emigrate to live alongside Jews in Israel? |
11 | Convert Non-Jews to Judaism |
JudaismThe Messiah will spiritually gather the non-Jews, so they will feel compelled to convert to JudaismChristianityWill Christians be compelled to convert to Judaism?IslamWill the Messiah compel non-Muslims to convert to Islam? |
12 | Religious Sacrifice |
JudaismThe Messiah will restore the sacrificial system; practices of the Sabbatical Year ('Shmitah') and the Jubilee Year ('Yovel').Sacrifices will continue to be brought in the Temple, but these will be limited to thanksgiving offerings, because there will be no further need for expiatory offerings. ChristianityChristians believe Jesus was the ultimate blood sacrifice.If the Jewish Jesus brings back blood sacrifice, how will that effect Christian doctrine which is founded on Jesus' crucifixion as the ultimate, final sacrifice? IslamMuslims already practise the animal (blood) sacrifice during religious celebrations, including the birth of a baby, annual Eid al-Adha festival etc. |
13 | Descendant of King David |
JudaismThe Messiah is often referred to as "Messiah ben David" (Messiah, son of David). He is physically descended on his fathers side from King David and King Solomon; son of Jesse.Jesus was not the Jewish Messiah, as the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, nor will he possess supernatural qualities. ChristianityChristians believe that Jesus is from the Davidic line of King Solomon through his paternal father, Joseph and some say, his mother, Mary |
8061 views · 9 hrs ago | Author: Guest • Updated: 07 Sep 2018 |
In 70 AD, Mark, the earliest Gospel depicts Jesus as suffering & dying Jewish Messiah - Bart Ehrman
Ebionites believed Jesus was Jewish Messiah sent by Jewish God to Jews fulfilling Jewish Scripture - Bart Ehrman
Ebionites, early Christians were Jewish, but believed Jesus was the Jewish Messiah - Bart Ehrman
For Jews, the Messiah would be great, powerful and defeat God's enemies; Jesus failed! - Bart Ehrman
In Acts 5:42, Jesus' disciples preached of Jesus the Messiah, not Jesus the God - Muhammad Lamin
In Daniel 7:13 and Matthew 16:27, 'Son of Man' is the Jewish nation, or Jewish Messiah, but not Jesus - Eli Cohen
In Psalm 91:3, a 'messianic prophecy' of a Man rescued by Angels fails to prove Jesus is Messiah - Adnan Rashid vs Man