After Sarah drove out Hagar and baby Ishamel, God assured Hagar to lift up baby Ishmael as he would become a 'Great Nation'.
The 'great nation' is that of the Arabs and from whom, Muhammad traces his lineage back.Throughout the Book of Genesis, God promises Abraham that his descendants will be of great multitude.
It is known that Isaac struggled to find a suitable wife. Isaac was 40 years old and unmarried, so Abraham who was now 140 years old, sent a servant out to find a wife for Isaac.The descendants of Abraham shall be as numerous as the dust of the Earth.
Abraham will be a father to many nations. Hagar's descendants shall be a great multitudeGod promises Abraham that the land he sees, north to south; east to west will be given to his seed forever.
The Arabs, the descendants of Ishmael have occupied Canaan ever since.In numerous verses, God refers to Abraham's son as his "only son".
Ishmael was 14-years older than Isaac. When Abraham took his "only" son to be sacrificed, his son appears to have been about 13 years old.12482 views · 2 days ago | Author: Guest • Updated: 16 Jun 2019 |