Yeshua | Iesous/Iesus | Jesus |
Herbrew | Greek "Hail Zeus" It is known that Greek names ending with "sus", "seus" and "sous" were attached by the Greeks to names and geographical areas as means to give honour to their supreme deity, Zeus |
English |
7–2 BC | 30–33 AD | 1600 AD (400 yrs ago) |
ROLE Jewish Prophet |
ROLE Son of God |
ROLE God/Son of God |
BELIEF Uniterian |
BELIEF Binaterian (emerging) |
BELIEF Triniterian |
"Yeshua" was a common Hebrew name in the Aramaic speaking culture of 1st century Palestine where Jesus lived. "Yeshua" was known as "Joshua" in English. |
"Yeshua", being a Hebrew name was offensive to the Greeks and Romans, who hated the Judeans (Jews). The Romans hatred for Jews and love of their pagan Gods was so great, they replaced the Hebrew name "Yeshua" with Greek name "Iesous" which transliterated into Latin as "Iesus". Some scholars say you should not use the name "Iesous" because "Ies" means man in Hebrew and "sus" means horse, so together you are saying "Man Horse". |
In the 1600's, the English letter "J" was introduced for the first time. Latin name "Iesus" finally became the Old English name "Jesus". Some scholars say you should not use the name "Ge-sus" because "Ge" means earth in Greek, and "sus" means pig in Latin, so together you are saying "Earth Pig" |
"Yeshua" was a Jewish 'monotheist' prophet who performed miracles and preached to the Jewish people. |
"Iesous" lost his Hebrew name and his Jewish roots. He was begining a transformation into a deity to be worshipped. |
Jesus was now a God-like deity; part of the Trinity; with links to pagan Gods and God-like Roman Emperors. |
Monotheism. A 'revised' form of Judaism |
Monotheist Jewish beliefs were shunned in favour of more polythiest pagan beliefs. |
Polytheist Christo-Paganism. Jesus was worshipped as a God-like deity by the majority of Christians. Christianity was a polytheist religion with various pagan practices celebrated. |
Rome | ||
Rome was generally tolerant towards new deities and religions. Due to its exclusive nature, the Jewish-Christians chose to be segregated from other people. Romans were polytheists who worshipped pagan gods who they believe protected their empire for centuries. Suddenly, they were being demonized by the early Jewish-Christian church. |
Rome wished to 'mould' Christianity to match their own Graeco-Roman heritage. After Jesus and the Apostles had been removed from the Jewish scene, Rome took control of Christianity. |
Rome had firmly established itself as the vanguard of the Christian 'state' religion. In the future, it would advance Christian convert numbers and gain popularity by joining Greek culture/paganism into Greek Christianity. |
God | ||
"Yeshua" preached the monotheist message of worship of "Yahweh". | Greek names ending with "sus", "seus" or "sous" were attached by the Greeks to honor their god Zeus. "Iesous" literally translated to "Hail Zeus", in praise of the pagan god Zeus and pagan goddess Iaso. Zeus was one of the most popular gods at that time. And conjecture has it that perhaps Jesus' name was changed to please the pagans in the empire who were reluctant to accept the new religion of the Roman Emperor. Zeus - King of the Gods Zeus was the first of the pagan gods and a very imposing figure. Often referred to as the "Father of Gods", he is a sky god who controls lightning and thunder. Zeus mated with many goddesses and mortals including Aegina, Alcmena, Calliope, Cassiopea, Demeter, Dione, Europa, Io, Leda, Leto, Mnemosyne, Niobe, Persephone and Semele. He eventually married his sister Hera – goddess of marriage and monogamy. more.. |
Jesus Christ (JC) Julius Ceasar (JC) To the pagan Romans, the name "Jesus Christ" (JC) would have been identical to their Man-God "Julius Ceasar" (JC). So another reason to add "J" to the Latin name "Iesus". Jesus was given deity/God status. By praising "Jesus Christ", people were indirectly praising "Julius Ceaser". Julius was "Iulius" and Jesus was "Iesus" before the letter "J" New Roman God The name "Jesus" has the exact same suffix ("us") as the name of the Roman Emperor who created it: Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus. All powerful Emperors gave a name to their new god (in their own image) with the suffix "us". Emperor Constantine believed he was the re-incarnated Apollo, son of Zeus. So, Emperor Constantine designed Jesus in his "own image", and elevated the fake Jesus as a new god to be worshipped. |
12053 views · 4 hrs ago | Author: Guest • Updated: 02 May 2018 |
Greek: Iesous is not a translation of Hebrew: Yeshua, claimed Josephus, Eusebius, Clement & Cyril. We simply do NOT know Jesus' real name - Mansur Ahmad vs Christian
How did Yeshua ('Yahweh Saves'), Esau (Syriac) or Isa (Arabic) become Jesus (English)? - Hashim vs Paperboy 1/2
How did Yeshua ('Yahweh Saves'), Esau (Syriac) or Isa (Arabic) become Jesus (English)? - Hashim vs Paperboy 2/2