Words |
Repeat |
Evidence in Quran |
Opposite Words |
Angels malakDevil shaytan |
8888 |
The word "angels" appears 88 times The word "devil" appears 88 times 1 |
Belief emaanDisbelief kufr |
2525 |
The word "belief" appears 25 times The word "disbelief" appears 25 times 2 |
Man rajulanWoman imraah |
2424 |
The word "man" appears 24 times The word "woman" appears 24 times 3 |
Sea Land Total Earth |
32 13 45 |
The word "Sea" appears 32 times or 71% (32/45=0.711 = 71.1%) The word "Land" appears 13 times or 29% (13/45 =0 .288 = 28.8%) According to Wikipedia, the Earths land-to-sea ratio is 71% sea to 28% land. 4 |
Ship fulkDrown gharaq |
2323 |
The word "ship" appears 23 times The word "drowns" appears 23 times 5 |
Allah lovesAllah does not love |
1717 |
The words "Allah loves" and "love Allah" appear 17 times (16+1) The words "Allah not love" and "not love Allah" appear 17 times (16+1) 6 |
Winter shitaiSummer sayf |
11 |
The word "winter" appears 1 time The word "summer" appears 1 time 7 |
Benefit naf'anHarm darran |
99 |
The word "benefit" appears 9 times The word "harm" appears 9 times 8 |
This world dunyaNext world akhirat |
115115 |
The words "this world" appear 115 times The words "next world" appear 115 times 9 |
Life ?Death ? |
145145 |
The word "life" appears 145 times The word "death" appears 145 times Awaiting evidence 10 |
Paradise jannah?Hell jahanam? |
7777 |
The word "paradise" appears 77 times The word "hell" appears 77 times Awaiting evidence 11 |
Cool bardHeat hurr |
44 |
The word "cool" appears 4 times The word "heat" appears 4 times 12 |
Men of wisdom albabMad majnun |
1616 |
The word "men of wisdom" appears 16 times The word "mad" appears 16 times 13 |
Near uzlifaAway azal |
1010 |
The word "near" appears 10 times The word "away" appears 10 times 14 |
Worry dakaReassurence itman |
1313 |
The word "worry" appears 13 times The word "reassurance" appears 13 times 15 |
The Righteous al-abraarThe Wicked al-fujaar |
63 |
The word "the rightous" appears 6 times The word "the wicked" appears 3 times The Righteous appears twice that of The Wicked i.e. a sign that God will allow good to prevail over evil Awaiting evidence 16 |
TroublePeace |
1313 |
The word "trouble" appears 13 times The word "peace" appears 13 times Awaiting evidence 17 |
HardshipPatience |
114114 |
The word "hardship" appears 114 times The word "patience" appears 114 times Awaiting evidence 18 |
[People of] Paradise[People of] Hell |
3737 |
The word "paradise" appears 37 times The word "hell" appears 37 times Chapter 56 - Count orginal text in Arabic, not translation 19 |
[People of] Paradise[People of] Hell |
2424 |
The word "paradise" appears 24 times The word "hell" appears 24 times Chapter 88 - Count orginal text in Arabic, not translation 20 |
Similar Words (with connection) |
Wine khamrIntoxicant sukara |
66 |
The word "wine" appears 6 times The word "intoxicant" appears 6 times 1 |
Warn nadherFrighten khawf |
124 *124 |
The word "warn" appears 124 times (less 6 words for "vows" not counted) The word "frighten" appears 124 times 2 |
Sick athanHurt marid |
2424 |
The word "sick" appears 24 times The word "hurt" appears 24 times 3 |
Guidance hudanMercy rahmat |
7979 |
The word "guidance" appears 79 times The word "mercy" appears 79 times And We have not revealed to you the Book, [O Muhammad], except for you to make clear to them that wherein they have differed and as guidance and mercy for a people who believe.
And when the anger subsided in Moses, he took up the tablets; and in their inscription was guidance and mercy for those who are fearful of their Lord 4 |
Action f'alReward ajr |
108108 |
The word "action" appears 108 times The word "reward" appears 108 times No good is there in much of their private conversation, except for those who enjoin charity or that which is right or conciliation between people. And whoever does that seeking means to the approval of Allah - then We are going to give him a great reward.
5 |
War harbPrisoner of war asra |
44 |
The word "war" appears 4 times The word "prisoner of war" appears 4 times 6 |
Say qulThey said qalu |
332 *332 |
The word "say qul" appears 332 times (shows 379?) The word "they said" appears 332 times 7 |
Prophet nabiInformation naba |
8080 |
The word "prophet" appears 80 times The word "information" appears 80 times 8 |
That Day yawmidinJudgment Day qiyamah |
7070 |
The word "that day" appears 70 times The word "judgement day" appears 70 times 9 |
Tongue lisanPreach wa'az |
2525 |
The word "tongue" appears 25 times The word "sermon" appears 25 times 10 |
Sun shamsLight noor |
3333 |
The word "sun" appears 33 times The word "light" appears 33 times 11 |
Reward jazaa?Forgiveness muhtira |
117234 |
The word "reward" appears 117 times The word "forgiveness" appears 234 times, twice that of reward Awaiting evidence 12 |
Satan shaytanSeeking taizu |
1111 |
The word "satan" appears 11 times The word "seeking" appears 11 times And if there comes to you from Satan an evil suggestion, then seek refuge in Allah . Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knowing.
13 |
The Throne al-arshThe Kingdom al-mulk |
2020 |
The word "the throne" appears 20 times The word "the kingdom" appears 20 times 14 |
Light nurUnderstanding aql |
4949 |
The word "light" appears 49 times The word "understanding" appears 49 times 15 |
Connected Words (not similar) |
Adam adamJesus eesa |
2525 |
The name "adam" appears 25 times The name "jesus" appears 25 times Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Adam. He created Him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.
1 |
Trumpet soorBlow nufikha |
1020 |
The word "trumpet" appears 10 times The word "blow" appears 20 times, as the trumpet is blown twice And the Horn will be blown, and whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth will fall dead except whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown again, and at once they will be standing, looking on.
2 |
Few qalilGrateful shukr |
75 *75 |
The word "few" appears 75 times (excluding "Aqallat" as it means "to carry") The word "grateful" appears 75 times And few of My servants are grateful
3 |
Last Hour sa'atUnseen ghayb |
4848 |
The word "last hour" appears 48 times The word "unseen" appears 48 times But those who disbelieve say, "The Hour will not come to us." Say, "Yes, by my Lord, it will surely come to you. [ Allah is] the Knower of the unseen." Not absent from Him is an atom's weight within the heavens or within the earth or [what is] smaller than that or greater, except that it is in a clear register -
4 |
Magic sihrTrial fitnah |
60 *60 |
The word "magic" appears 60 times (excluding "sahar" as it means "dawn") The word "trial" appears 60 times And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]..."
5 |
Allies awliyaSpider ankabut |
22 |
The word "allies" appears 2 times The word "spider" appears 2 times The example of those who take allies other than Allah is like that of the spider who takes a home. And indeed, the weakest of homes is the home of the spider, if they only knew.
6 |
Disciples hawariyunMonks ruhban |
55 |
The word "jesus disciples" appears 5 times The word "monks" appears 5 times 7 |
Blessed barakaCharity zakah |
3232 |
The word "blessed baraka" appears 32 times The word "charity" appears 32 times And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakah as long as I remain alive
8 |
Other Words (not similar or no connection) |
Sabbath sabat |
7 |
The word "sabbath" appears 7 times In the Bible Old Testament, the Jewish Sabbath is the 7th day of the week 1 |
Prayer salah |
99 |
The word "salah صلاة" appears 99 times Allah is attributed with 99 Names (Bukhari 50:894) 2 |
Colours |
7 |
The word "colour" appears 7 times There are 7 colors in the rainbow light spectrum 3 |
Moon qamara |
27 |
The word "moon" appears 27 times According to Wikipedia, the moon orbits the earth every 27 (or 27.322 days) 4 |
Human insanSoil (turab)Drop of semen (nutfa) Embryo (alaq) A lump of flesh (mudga) Bone (itham) Flesh (lah) Total Human Parts |
651712 6 3 15 12 65 |
The word "human" appears 65 times The human "components" total to 65 5 |
Dog kalbDenied kazaboo |
55 |
The word "dog" appears 5 times The word "denied" appears 5 times God compares the people who deny His signs, like a panting dog So his example is like that of the dog: if you chase him, he pants, or if you leave him, he [still] pants. That is the example of the people who denied Our signs.
6 |
Day يوم yawmDays ayyam/yamaynMonth شهر shahr |
3653012 |
The word "day" appears 365 time (365 days in year) The word "days" appears 30 times (30 days in month) The word "month" appears 12 times (12 months in year) 7 |
Prophet rasoolProphet Names (adam, noah, abraham, jesus, muhammed etc.) |
513513 |
The word "prophet" appears 513 times The names of the prophets appear 513 times 8 |
Seven Heavens saba samawaatCreation of Heavens khalq samawati |
77 |
The word "Seven Heavens" appears 7 times (in Quran
2:29 |
17:44 |
23:86 |
41:12 |
65:12 |
67:3 |
71:15) The word "Creation of Heavens" appears 7 times (in Quran 2:164 | 3:190 | 3:191 | 18:51 | 30:22 | 40:57 | 42:29) 9 |
Letters Count |
T taS seen |
2793 |
Chapter 27 starts with the letter "T S" The letter "T" appears 27 times in chapter 27 The letter "S" appears 93 times in chapter 27. 93 is also the total number of verses in chaper 27 Ta, Seen. These are the verses of the Qur'an and a clear Book
1 |
N nun |
68 |
Chapter 68 starts with the letter "N" The letter "N" appears in 50 out of 52 verses in chapter 68 of the Quran The letter "N" has a numerical value of 50 in the Abajad* system. * The Abjad numbering system pre-dates the arrival of Islam. God can reference the Abjad just as He uses other man-made systems, including language and numbers to communicate His message. Nun. By the pen and what they inscribe
2 |
Linguistic miracle where verse content is symmetrical |
17320 views · 8 hrs ago | Author: Guest • Updated: 11 Jun 2019 |