Video Description (from Youtube)
The Gospel of Caesar
Documentary film about a linguist (Francesco Carotta) and a Catholic priest, who search for and find the origins of Christianity and the real historical Jesus: Julius Caesar,
Divus Gaius Julius Caesar, Christus
More details in following books:
"Jesus was Caesar" by Francesco Carotta
I would like to thank my new subscribers and I apologize for my absence. I'll be pumping out new videos soon, stay tuned and enjoy.
"I would not believe in the Gospel if the authority of the Catholic Church did not move me to do so."
- Saint Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 427)
(responsible for initiating hatred and the slaughter of countless Jews, pagans and heretics (different christian sects), including the destruction of their writings and archeological patrimony).
Shared on: 13 Jan 2018
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