Video Description (from Youtube)
In this report we head to Australia's first 5G cell tower to study the real effects of 5G. Are the birds falling out from the sky? Is it running at real 5G speeds?
5G Cell Radiation Test:
Is Huawei Spying:
S9 Tech Reviews are Wrong:
It'll speed up your internet by 100x, it'll allow you to perform surgery with a robot, it'll let thousands of drones fly through the sky. It'll allow clinics to show patient data.
While these use cases sound great and futuristic, for 5G, they're a bit dumb.
Showing a patient’s medical data when they’re at the clinic can already be done with WIFI.
Performing remote surgery at a hospital can already be done with WIFI.
Drones which require fast 5G signals to operate, is a DANGER HAZARD.
Does your reception ever break up? What happens when they’re flying over areas which aren’t covered.
More importantly, fast 5G only actually works at short range. By short, fast 5G requires 10 times more antennas than 4G, because the signal operates at a higher frequency they don’t travel as far. So drones flying here there and everywhere aren’t really going to be in those fast 5G areas now are they?
The 5G being used currently operates at the 3GHz spectrum, but the problem is that 5G can go up to 100GHz. When you start going above 29GHz you hit the realm of extremely high frequency. This frequency is the same as those hated TSA scanners use, which by the way you only have to traverse sometimes if you’re travelling internationally and unlucky. But more importantly, it’s been used in the medical field to change cell growth[1].
Now doctors and scientists usually say, but hey, if phones were dangerous, there would be more cases of brain cancer, and yes, that’s right, brain cancer rates haven’t gone up, they’ve just steadily dropped slightly. HOWEVER, I don’t know about you, but I don’t constantly keep my phone on my head. Where I do keep it however, is near my balls…. Did you know since 2002, sperm counts have fallen by 50% over the past few decades[2].
Also, did you know that Apple recommend you use your smartphone on hands free. And Samsung recommend you place your phone 1.5cm away from your body. I don’t know what kind of trousers you wear, but if your mates acting a bit weird, tell them to lay off the skinny jeans.
What’s scary about 5G is its mission statement. 4G only supported 4000 devices per square km. But, 5G aims to support 1 million[3]. And considering that the different cells support from only 8 to 200 users, then you’re looking at 5000 cells per km at the best case.
The one saving grace at the moment with 5G is that, currently it’s all hype. The 5G that’s being installed at the moment here in Australia operates at 3GHz[4], so, it’s just ever so slightly faster than 4G, but these units are designed to operate at higher frequencies, and with a switch of a button, you might start needing some tin foil.
CNBC - Is 5G Safe:
Collective Evolution - Veteran MD Drops Bombshell About 5G Technology Dangers At 5G Hearing:
Talks at Google - Frank Abagnale - Catch Me If You Can:
RT America - How To Survive Dangers of 5G:
TEDx Talks - Wireless wake-up call - Jeromy Johnson:
The Conscious Resistance - Derrick Broze Educates Houston City Council on 5G Tech:
Tesla - Tesla Autonomy Day:
Otiah - Winter Conspiracy:
Galaxy S10 5G:
Space Suit:
Tin Foil Hat:
EMF Protection:
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Shared on: 02 Aug 2019
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