Yahweh | Yahweh | Holy Spirit | Allah |
TRANSMITTER | Angel Gabrial recited Gods words in Hebrew | Angel Gabrial recited Gods words in Hebrew or Aramaic | Holy Spirit inspired the gospel writers | Angel Gabrial recited Gods words in Arabic |
PROPHET | Moses | Jesus | 6No prophet spoke the NT | Muhammad |
AUDIENCE | Moses preached his message to his followers | Jesus preached the 'Good News' to the 12 disciples | N/A | Muhammad preached his message to his followers |
Preservation (method) | Written on stone, papyrus and animal skin | May have been written on stone, papyrus and animal skin. It may even have been memorised | Written in Greek MMLJ (asserted by Irenaeus of Lyon in the late-2nd century as the Four Gospels) |
Preserved in the 'oral' tradition. It was memorised by people. Later, it was written |
Completion (date) | 400 BC | 36 AD | 45-90 AD | |
Earliest Manuscript (complete) | 1000 AD | No manuscript | 120-150 AD | |
Date difference | 1400-years | N/A | 35 to 100 years | |
Books/words | 39 books/602,585 | N/A | 27 books/180,552 | 1 book/77,439 |
Canon period | 1000-years (approx.) and in Moses lifetime | In Jesus' lifetime | Between 30-60 years AFTER Jesus | The last 23 years of Muhammad's life |
Canon determined by | Gods revelation verbatim. Jewish rabbis and scholars | Gods revelation verbatim | Roman Emperors. Christian priests | Gods revelation verbatim |
Preservation (early) | The Codex Sinaticus is the earliest complete OT 330–360 The Dead Sea Scrolls well-preserved Hebrew text fragments date back to 100 BC - or 300-years after they were written, but it is not the complete OT |
No preserved manuscript | Included: Book of Revelation General Epistles Excluded: 1 Clement Shepherd of Hermas Diatessaron Shepherd of Hermas Barnabas Didache Thomas Esdras Tobit Judith Wisdom of Solomon Ecclesiasticus Maccabees Destroyed: Gospel of Ebionites Gospel of Hebrews Gospel of Nazarenes |
Preserved? | No It is argued, the OT was not preserved as man would have made them into an object of worship. Wars would have be fought over it, churches, synagogues or mosques built on top of it. The item itself would be too sacred to read, and only Kings and priests would ever have access to it |
Various political, religious factors contributed to the gospel's destruction |
No The writings of man |
Yes |
First gospel | 60 years later. Oldest gospel is Mark | During his lifetime, the Quran (in parts) was memorised, and written down | ||
Compilation | 3XX AD Under the caliphate of Uthman all memorisers and written recordings of Quran summoned | |||
Scribes Authority Who was the person who instructed the compiling of the scripture? |
??? | Constantine? A number of Church leaders ordered the compilation of the New Testament Bible. Due to the large number of gospels, manuscripts; early compilations of books differed from church to church |
Uthman Uthman ordered the compilation of the Quran when .... |
Scribes Prophet > Scribes Scribes are the people who wrote down what the Prophet said, did or thought |
All 27 books in the Bible are written by unknown authors. It is assumed the gospels bear the author's name, but this is false. |
The famous ten people who form the chains of narration regarding the Quran are as follows. Umar ibn al Khattab Uthman bin Affan Ali ibn abi Talib Abu Musa al Ash'ari Ubay Ibn Ka'b Abdullah ibn Masood Zayd Ibn Thabit Abu Hurairah Abdullah Ibn Abbas Abu al-Darda |
Scribes Compilation | 180 AD
The first "canon" was the Muratorian Canon is a copy of perhaps the oldest known list of most of the books of the New Testament. The fragment, consisting of 85 lines was discovered in 1740. It lists 22 of the 27 books (including the four gospels) that were later included in the New Testament of the Christian Bible - excluding Hebrews, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, James and 3 John
202 AD - Irenaeus quotes and cites 21 books that would end up as part of the New Testament, but does not use Philemon, Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 3 John and Jude. 254 AD Origen of Alexandria may have been using the same 27 books as in the modern New Testament, though there were still disputes over the canonicity of Hebrews, James, 2 Peter, 2 and 3 John, and Revelation. 367 AD - Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria gave a list of exactly the same books that would formally become the New Testament canon 393 AD - Synod of Hippo Regius in North Africa may have been the first council that accepted the present Catholic canon (the Canon of Trent) 397 AD - Councils of Carthage under the authority of St. Augustine regarded the canon as already closed |
The NT was compiled over the a number of stages. The earliest fragment from 150-years after Jesus lists 22 of the 27 books. | The Quran was received by Muhammad through the Angel Gabrial. Initially, it was recorded using the 'oral tradition' but later it was written down, sorted and numbered in the order set by Muhammad during his lifetime | |||
Wikipedia |
1783 views · 3 days ago | Author: Guest • Updated: 02 May 2018 |
Quran & Hadith date to Muhammad's life. The Bible does not date to Jesus - Hashim vs Ozman