COVID: Saudi Arabia launches AI to monitor Social Distancing and stop crowding at Riyadh Airport - Arab News

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High-tech social distancing project at Riyadh airport | Arab News

Friday, 10 July 2020
RIYADH: Riyadh Airports Co. (RAC) has launched an “interactive analysis” project to monitor social distancing at King Khalid International Airport. RAC bills the project as the first of its kind in Middle Eastern airports. It uses artificial intelligence software and machine learning technologies and aims to stop the spread of COVID-19 by ensuring social distancing is maintained all travelers in the airport. It includes software that will instantly alert airport staff if areas are becoming too crowded. The system has already been implemented in Terminal 5 of the airport.
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News on 'Saudi arabia'

Results: 53 News Items
Displayed in Date Order (most recent first)
1.   Saudi Arabia approves Moderna COVID Vaccine for children aged 6 years old - The National
Published: 25 Apr 2022   |   6441 views · 3 hrs ago
2.   Upto 5-years jail for anyone who transmits COVID in public in Saudi Arabia - Arab News
Published: 25 Apr 2021   |   6457 views · 3 hrs ago
3.   Saudi Arabia calls for global approach to tackling climate change - Arab News
Published: 23 Apr 2021   |   782 views · 2 days ago
4.   Saudi Arabia: Hajj worshippers must have COVID-19 vaccine to visit - Roya News
Published: 02 Mar 2021   |   1131 views · 1 day ago
7.   Saudi Arabia, Jeddah aims to give COVID Vaccine to 10,000 people a day - Arab News
Published: 26 Dec 2020   |   725 views · 1 day ago
9.   Saudi Arabia to sell Christmas Trees in sign of tolerance - Roya News
Published: 20 Dec 2020   |   682 views · 13 hrs ago
10.   Saudi Arabia opens registration for mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine - The National
Published: 15 Dec 2020   |   892 views · 2 days ago
11.   Pakistan takes $1.5 billion loan from China to repay debt to Saudi Arabia - India Today
Published: 13 Dec 2020   |   978 views · 2 days ago
12.   Saudi Arabia signs Artificial Intelligence agreements with IBM, Alibaba and Huawei - Arab News
Published: 22 Oct 2020   |   1104 views · 2 days ago
14.   US, Saudi Arabia strengthen links to fight common threats - Arab News
Published: 21 Oct 2020   |   748 views · 22 hrs ago
16.   Saudi Arabia leads 39 Cities in U20 Summit on Climate Change to Sustainable Growth - U20
Published: 02 Oct 2020   |   802 views · 2 days ago
17.   Saudi Arabia & Israel discuss building Oil pipeline to connect nations - MEMO
Published: 18 Sep 2020   |   876 views · 2 days ago
19.   Saudi Arabia: 96% increase in Divorces as COVID Lockdown puts pressure on marriages - MEMO
Published: 26 Aug 2020   |   921 views · 7 hrs ago
22.   Saudi Arabia and UAE to test Russia's Sputnik-V Coronavirus Vaccine - Bloomberg
Published: 16 Aug 2020   |   1187 views · 13 hrs ago
24.   Saudi Arabia: Women police officers join Hajj security forces for first time - Arab News
Published: 29 Jul 2020   |   847 views · 2 days ago
29.   Saudi Arabia celebrates previously 'haraam' Valentines Day - 5 Pillars
Published: 14 Feb 2020   |   1264 views · 3 days ago
32.   Saudi Arabia changes Turkish 'Ottoman Empire' to 'Occupation' in school textbooks - MEMO
Published: 29 Aug 2019   |   1182 views · 3 days ago
33.   Israel reveals details of railway line to Saudi Arabia and UAE - MEMO
Published: 27 Jul 2019   |   1410 views · 1 day ago
34.   Saudi Arabia warns Muslims to avoid politics during Hajj - MEMO
Published: 10 Jul 2019   |   1300 views · 13 hrs ago
35.   Nicki Minaj to perform at music festival in Saudi Arabia - The Guardian
Published: 03 Jul 2019   |   1365 views · 1 day ago
36.   Saudi Arabia buys $300m spy software from Israel - MEMO
Published: 20 Jun 2019   |   1363 views · 2 days ago
37.   Torture in Saudi Arabia prisons: 'Most Oppressive Era we have Witnessed' - Al-Jazeera
Published: 07 Jun 2019   |   1202 views · 2 days ago
38.   Qatar urges Saudi Arabia to lift all Hajj restrictions on its pilgrims - PressTV
Published: 10 May 2019   |   1006 views · 2 days ago
39.   Libya's grand mufti calls for Hajj and Umrah boycott against Saudi Arabia - Al-Araby
Published: 28 Apr 2019   |   986 views · 1 day ago
41.   Saudi Arabia: Scholar Ahmed al-Amari, 69 dies in Prison - Al-Jazeera
Published: 21 Jan 2019   |   998 views · 1 day ago
42.   Saudi Arabia: Al Saud is the official sponsor of Israel - MEMO
Published: 26 Nov 2018   |   1117 views · 1 day ago
43.   Saudi Arabia, UAE send troops to support Kurds in Syria, risk of Arab-Turkish conflict - MEMO
Published: 22 Nov 2018   |   1302 views · 1 day ago
45.   Israel gives go-ahead to railway link with Saudi Arabia: Report - PressTV
Published: 25 Jun 2018   |   1199 views · 2 days ago
46.   Saudi Arabia arrests key activist in human rights crackdown - The Guardian
Published: 25 May 2018   |   870 views · 2 days ago
47.   85,000-year-old human footprints found in Saudi Arabia - Arab News
Published: 12 May 2018   |   1717 views · 15 hrs ago
49.   Indian Hindu festival, Holi celebrated in Saudi Arabia for first time - Arab News
Published: 21 Apr 2018   |   2592 views · 1 day ago
50.   How Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Mondoweiss
Published: 07 Jan 2016   |   1199 views · 2 days ago
51.   How Zionism helped create the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Mondoweiss
Published: 07 Jan 2016   |   1202 views · 20 hrs ago
52.   Boycott the Hajj (Saudi Arabia) - Politico
Published: 28 Sep 2015   |   929 views · 22 hrs ago
53.   Saudi Arabia jails human rights activist Mohammed al-Bajadi - The Guardian
Published: 11 Mar 2015   |   897 views · 3 days ago

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