Video Description (from Youtube)
Missionary Evangelist Robert Breaker asks if you can see in the year 2020, and how what is happening now in the world appears to be pointing to the soon coming rapture of the church and the rise of the antichrist mark of the beast system.
NOTE: After making this video, some have informed me that the price of GOLD was 1774.73, and not 1776. The way I came to the figure of 1776, was that it was a change of -1.79. Add 1.79 to 1774.73, and you get 1776.52. Sorry I didn't explain that better!
Also, many have asked: "Where do I get that card which explains HIPPA law violations?" You can get one from here...
Also, here's the link to the Rockefeller Report from 2010 with the OPERATION LOCKSTEP in it...
Finally, here's the link to the video about how they can kill that part of the brain that is for belief...
Shared on: 03 Aug 2020
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